# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
#  for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
#  for network namespace/tap device mode
# test/lib/setup - Set up and tear down passt and pasta environments
# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>

VCPUS="$( [ $(nproc) -ge 8 ] && echo 6 || echo $(( $(nproc) / 2 + 1 )) )"
__mem_kib="$(sed -n 's/MemTotal:[ ]*\([0-9]*\) kB/\1/p' /proc/meminfo)"
VMEM="$((${__mem_kib} / 1024 / 4))"

# setup_build() - Set up pane layout for build tests
setup_build() {
	context_setup_host host


# setup_distro() - Set up pane layout for distro tests
setup_distro() {

# setup_passt() - Start qemu and passt
setup_passt() {
	context_setup_host host
	context_setup_host passt
	context_setup_host qemu


	# Ports:
	#              guest    |        host
	#         --------------|---------------------
	#  10001     as server  |  forwarded to guest
	#  10003                |      as server

	[ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/passt.pcap"
	[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
	[ ${TRACE} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} --trace"

	context_run passt "make clean"
	context_run passt "make valgrind"
	context_run_bg passt "valgrind --max-stackframe=$((4 * 1024 * 1024)) --trace-children=yes --vgdb=no --error-exitcode=1 --suppressions=test/valgrind.supp ./passt ${__opts} -f -t 10001 -u 10001 -P passt.pid"
	sleep 5

	context_run_bg qemu './qrap 5 qemu-system-$(uname -m)'		   \
		' -machine accel=kvm'                                      \
		' -m '${VMEM}' -cpu host -smp '${VCPUS}                    \
		' -kernel ' "/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)"			   \
		' -initrd '${INITRAMFS}' -nographic -serial stdio'	   \
		' -nodefaults'						   \
		' -append "console=ttyS0 mitigations=off apparmor=0 '	   \
		'virtio-net.napi_tx=1"'					   \
		" -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,x-txburst=16384"  \
		" -netdev socket,fd=5,id=hostnet0"			   \
		" -pidfile passt_qemu.pid"				   \
		" -device vhost-vsock-pci,guest-cid=$GUEST_CID"

	context_setup_guest guest $GUEST_CID

# setup_pasta() - Create a network and user namespace, connect pasta to it
setup_pasta() {
	context_setup_host host
	context_setup_host passt
	context_setup_host unshare


	context_run_bg unshare "unshare -rUnpf ${NSHOLDER} ns.hold hold"
	__target_pid=$(${NSHOLDER} ns.hold pid)

	context_setup_nsenter ns -U -n -p --preserve-credentials -t ${__target_pid}

	# Ports:
	#                 ns        |         host
	#         ------------------|---------------------
	#  10002      as server     |    spliced to ns
	#  10003   spliced to init  |      as server

	[ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/pasta.pcap"
	[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
	[ ${TRACE} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} --trace"

	context_run_bg passt "./pasta ${__opts} -f -t 10002 -T 10003 -u 10002 -U 10003 -P passt.pid ${__target_pid}"
	sleep 1

# setup_passt_in_ns() - Set up namespace (with pasta), run qemu and passt into it
setup_passt_in_ns() {
	context_setup_host host
	context_setup_host pasta


	# Ports:
	#             guest    |         ns         |       host
	#         -------------|--------------------|-----------------
	#  10001    as server  | forwarded to guest |  spliced to ns
	#  10002               |     as server      |  spliced to ns
	#  10003               |   spliced to init  |    as server
	#  10011    as server  | forwarded to guest |  spliced to ns
	#  10012               |     as server      |  spliced to ns
	#  10013               |   spliced to init  |    as server
	#  10021    as server  | forwarded to guest |
	#  10031    as server  | forwarded to guest |

	[ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/pasta_with_passt.pcap"
	[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
	[ ${TRACE} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} --trace"

	context_run_bg pasta "./pasta ${__opts} -t 10001,10002,10011,10012 -T 10003,10013 -u 10001,10002,10011,10012 -U 10003,10013 -P pasta.pid ${NSHOLDER} ns.hold hold"
	sleep 1
	__ns_pid=$(${NSHOLDER} ns.hold pid)

	context_setup_nsenter qemu "-t ${__ns_pid} -U -n -p --preserve-credentials"
	context_setup_nsenter ns "-t ${__ns_pid} -U -n -p --preserve-credentials"
	context_setup_nsenter passt "-t ${__ns_pid} -U -n -p --preserve-credentials"

	__ifname=$(context_run ns "ip -j link show | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == \"ether\").ifname'")
	context_run ns "/sbin/dhclient -4 --no-pid ${__ifname}"
	sleep 2
	context_run ns "/sbin/dhclient -6 --no-pid ${__ifname}"

	[ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/passt_in_pasta.pcap"
	[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
	[ ${TRACE} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} --trace"

	if [ ${VALGRIND} -eq 1 ]; then
		context_run passt "make clean"
		context_run passt "make valgrind"
		context_run_bg passt "valgrind --max-stackframe=$((4 * 1024 * 1024)) --trace-children=yes --vgdb=no --error-exitcode=1 --suppressions=test/valgrind.supp ./passt -f ${__opts} -t 10001,10011,10021,10031 -u 10001,10011,10021,10031 -P passt.pid"
		context_run passt "make clean"
		context_run passt "make"
		context_run_bg passt "./passt -f ${__opts} -t 10001,10011,10021,10031 -u 10001,10011,10021,10031 -P passt.pid"
	sleep 5

	context_run_bg qemu './qrap 5 qemu-system-$(uname -m)'                \
		' -machine accel=kvm'                                      \
		' -M accel=kvm:tcg'                                        \
		' -m '${VMEM}' -cpu host -smp '${VCPUS}                    \
		' -kernel ' "/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)"			   \
		' -initrd '${INITRAMFS}' -nographic -serial stdio'	   \
		' -nodefaults'						   \
		' -append "console=ttyS0 mitigations=off apparmor=0 '	   \
		'virtio-net.napi_tx=1"'					   \
		" -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,x-txburst=524288" \
		" -netdev socket,fd=5,id=hostnet0"			   \
		' -pidfile passt_in_ns_qemu.pid'			   \
		" -device vhost-vsock-pci,guest-cid=$GUEST_CID"

	context_setup_guest guest $GUEST_CID

# setup_two_guests() - Set up two namespace, run qemu and passt in both of them
setup_two_guests() {
	context_setup_host host
	context_setup_host pasta_1
	context_setup_host pasta_2


	# Ports:
	#         guest #1  |  guest #2 |   ns #1   |    ns #2   |    host
	#         --------- |-----------|-----------|------------|------------
	#  10001  as server |           | to guest  |  to init   |  to ns #1
	#  10002            |           | as server |            |  to ns #1
	#  10003            |           |  to init  |  to init   |  as server
	#  10004            | as server |  to init  |  to guest  |  to ns #2
	#  10005            |           |           |  as server |  to ns #2

	[ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/pasta_1.pcap"
	[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
	[ ${TRACE} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} --trace"
	context_run_bg pasta_1 "./pasta ${__opts} -P pasta_1.pid -t 10001,10002 -T 10003,10004 -u 10001,10002 -U 10003,10004 ${NSHOLDER} ns1.hold hold"
	__ns1_pid=$(${NSHOLDER} ns1.hold pid)
	context_setup_nsenter passt_1 -U -n -p --preserve-credentials -t ${__ns1_pid}

	[ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/pasta_2.pcap"
	[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
	[ ${TRACE} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} --trace"
	context_run_bg pasta_2 "./pasta ${__opts} -P pasta_2.pid -t 10004,10005 -T 10003,10001 -u 10004,10005 -U 10003,10001 ${NSHOLDER} ns2.hold hold"
	__ns2_pid=$(${NSHOLDER} ns2.hold pid)
	context_setup_nsenter passt_2 -U -n -p --preserve-credentials -t ${__ns2_pid}

	context_setup_nsenter qemu_1 -U -n -p --preserve-credentials -t ${__ns1_pid}
	context_setup_nsenter qemu_2 -U -n -p --preserve-credentials -t ${__ns2_pid}

	__ifname="$(context_run qemu_1 "ip -j link show | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == \"ether\").ifname'")"

	context_run qemu_1 "/sbin/dhclient -4 --no-pid ${__ifname}"
	context_run qemu_2 "/sbin/dhclient -4 --no-pid ${__ifname}"
	context_run qemu_1 "/sbin/dhclient -6 --no-pid ${__ifname}"
	context_run qemu_2 "/sbin/dhclient -6 --no-pid ${__ifname}"

	[ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/passt_1.pcap"
	[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
	[ ${TRACE} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} --trace"

	context_run_bg passt_1 "./passt -P passt_1.pid -f ${__opts} -t 10001 -u 10001"
	sleep 1

	[ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/passt_2.pcap"
	[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
	[ ${TRACE} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} --trace"

	context_run_bg passt_2 "./passt -P passt_2.pid -f ${__opts} -t 10004 -u 10004"

	context_run_bg qemu_1 './qrap 5 qemu-system-$(uname -m)'             \
		' -M accel=kvm:tcg'                                          \
		' -m '${VMEM}' -cpu host -smp '${VCPUS}                      \
		' -kernel ' "/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)"			     \
		' -initrd '${INITRAMFS}' -nographic -serial stdio'	     \
		' -nodefaults'						     \
		' -append "console=ttyS0 mitigations=off apparmor=0 '	     \
		'virtio-net.napi_tx=1"'					     \
		" -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,x-txburst=16384"    \
		" -netdev socket,fd=5,id=hostnet0"			     \
		' -pidfile two_guests_qemu_1.pid'			     \
		" -device vhost-vsock-pci,guest-cid=$GUEST_1_CID"

	context_run_bg qemu_2 './qrap 5 qemu-system-$(uname -m)'             \
		' -M accel=kvm:tcg'                                          \
		' -m '${VMEM}' -cpu host -smp '${VCPUS}                      \
		' -kernel ' "/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)"			     \
		' -initrd '${INITRAMFS}' -nographic -serial stdio'	     \
		' -nodefaults'						     \
		' -append "console=ttyS0 mitigations=off apparmor=0 '	     \
		'virtio-net.napi_tx=1"'					     \
		" -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,x-txburst=16384"    \
		" -netdev socket,fd=5,id=hostnet0"			     \
		' -pidfile two_guests_qemu_2.pid'			     \
		" -device vhost-vsock-pci,guest-cid=$GUEST_2_CID"

	context_setup_guest guest_1 ${GUEST_1_CID}
	context_setup_guest guest_2 ${GUEST_2_CID}

# teardown_context_watch() - Remove contexts and stop panes watching them
# $1:	Pane number watching
# $@:	Context names
teardown_context_watch() {
	for __c; do
		context_teardown "${__c}"
	tmux send-keys -t ${__pane} "C-c"

# teardown_build() - Nothing to do, yet
teardown_build() {
	teardown_context_watch ${PANE_HOST} host

# teardown_distro() - Nothing to do, yet
teardown_distro() {

# teardown_passt() - Kill qemu, remove passt PID file
teardown_passt() {
	kill $(cat passt_qemu.pid)

	rm passt.pid

	teardown_context_watch ${PANE_HOST} host
	teardown_context_watch ${PANE_PASST} passt
	teardown_context_watch ${PANE_GUEST} qemu guest

# teardown_passt() - Exit namespace, kill pasta process
teardown_pasta() {
	${NSHOLDER} ns.hold stop
	context_wait unshare

	teardown_context_watch ${PANE_HOST} host
	teardown_context_watch ${PANE_PASST} passt
	teardown_context_watch ${PANE_NS} unshare ns

# teardown_passt_in_ns() - Exit namespace, kill qemu and pasta, remove pid file
teardown_passt_in_ns() {
	context_run ns kill $(cat passt_in_ns_qemu.pid)
	context_wait qemu

	${NSHOLDER} ns.hold stop
	context_wait pasta

	rm passt.pid pasta.pid

	teardown_context_watch ${PANE_HOST} host
	teardown_context_watch ${PANE_PASST} pasta passt
	teardown_context_watch ${PANE_NS} ns
	teardown_context_watch ${PANE_GUEST} qemu guest

# teardown_two_guests() - Exit namespaces, kill qemu processes, passt and pasta
teardown_two_guests() {
	__ns1_pid=$(${NSHOLDER} ns1.hold pid)
	__ns2_pid=$(${NSHOLDER} ns2.hold pid)
	nsenter -U -p --preserve-credentials -t ${__ns1_pid} kill $(cat two_guests_qemu_1.pid)
	nsenter -U -p --preserve-credentials -t ${__ns2_pid} kill $(cat two_guests_qemu_2.pid)
	context_wait qemu_1
	context_wait qemu_2

	nsenter -U -p --preserve-credentials -t ${__ns1_pid} kill $(cat passt_1.pid)
	nsenter -U -p --preserve-credentials -t ${__ns2_pid} kill $(cat passt_2.pid)
	context_wait passt_1
	context_wait passt_2
	${NSHOLDER} ns1.hold stop
	${NSHOLDER} ns2.hold stop
	context_wait pasta_1
	context_wait pasta_2

	rm -f passt_[12].pid pasta_[12].pid

	teardown_context_watch ${PANE_HOST} host
	teardown_context_watch ${PANE_GUEST_1} qemu_1 guest_1
	teardown_context_watch ${PANE_GUEST_2} qemu_2 guest_2
	teardown_context_watch ${PANE_PASST_1} pasta_1 passt_1
	teardown_context_watch ${PANE_PASST_2} pasta_2 passt_2

# teardown_demo_passt() - Exit namespace, kill qemu, passt and pasta
teardown_demo_passt() {
	tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_GUEST} "C-c"
	pane_wait GUEST

	tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_GUEST} "C-d"
	tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_PASST} "C-c"

	pane_wait GUEST
	pane_wait HOST
	pane_wait PASST

	tmux kill-pane -a -t 0
	tmux send-keys -t 0 "C-c"

# teardown_demo_pasta() - Exit perf and namespace from remaining pane
teardown_demo_pasta() {
	tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_NS} "q"
	pane_wait NS
	tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_NS} "C-d"
	pane_wait NS

	tmux kill-pane -a -t 0
	tmux send-keys -t 0 "C-c"

# teardown_demo_podman() - Exit namespaces
teardown_demo_podman() {
	tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_NS1} "C-d"
	tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_NS2} "C-d"
	pane_wait NS1
	pane_wait NS2

	tmux kill-pane -a -t 0
	tmux send-keys -t 0 "C-c"

# setup() - Run setup_*() functions
# $*:	Suffix list of setup_*() functions to be called
setup() {
	for arg do
		eval setup_${arg}

# teardown() - Run teardown_*() functions
# $*:	Suffix list of teardown_*() functions to be called
teardown() {
	for arg do
		eval teardown_${arg}