# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # # PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport # for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode # # PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction # for network namespace/tap device mode # # test/demo/podman - Show pasta operation with Podman # # Copyright (c) 2022 Red Hat GmbH # Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com> set OPTS -Z -w 4M -l 1M -P 2 -t10 --pacing-timer 10000 say This is an overview of em Podman say using em pasta say . nl nl sleep 3 say Let's fetch Podman sleep 1 host git -C __STATEDIR__ clone https://github.com/containers/podman.git sleep 1 say , patch it sleep 1 host cp ../contrib/podman/0001-libpod-Add-pasta-networking-mode.patch __STATEDIR__/podman host cd __STATEDIR__/podman host git am -3 0001-libpod-Add-pasta-networking-mode.patch sleep 1 say , and build it. host go get github.com/pkg/errors@v0.9.1 host go mod vendor host make sleep 1 nl nl say By default, for em rootless say mode, Podman will pick nl em slirp4netns say to operate the network. nl nl say Let's start a container with it sleep 1 ns1 cd __STATEDIR__/podman ns1b ./bin/podman run --rm -ti alpine sh sleep 2 say , nl say and one with em pasta say instead. ns2 cd __STATEDIR__/podman ns2b ./bin/podman run --net=pasta --rm -ti alpine sh sleep 2 nl nl say We can observe some practical differences: nl ns1b ip addr show sleep 3 say - slirp4netns uses a predefined IPv4 address hl NS1 sleep 2 ns2b ip addr show sleep 3 say , nl say pasta copies addresses from the host hl NS2 sleep 2 nl say - slirp4netns uses em tap0 say as interface name hl NS1 sleep 2 say , pasta nl say takes an interface name from the host hl NS2 sleep 2 nl say - same for routes: ns1b ip route show sleep 3 say slirp4netns defines its own nl say gateway address hl NS1 sleep 2 say , pasta copies it from the host ns2b ip route show ns2b ip -6 route show sleep 5 nl nl say Let's check connectivity... sleep 2 ns1b wget risotto.milane.se ns2b wget myfinge.rs sleep 2 say fine. sleep 5 nl nl say Let's run a service in the container, nl say configuring port forwarding first sleep 5 ns1b exit sleep 2 ns1b podman run --rm -p 8080:8080/tcp -ti alpine sh sleep 5 ns2b exit sleep 2 ns2b ./bin/podman run --net=pasta --rm -p 8081:8081/tcp -ti alpine sh sleep 5 nl nl say ...and now actually start the service ns1b apk add thttpd ns2b apk add thttpd ns1b >index.html cat << EOF ns1b <!doctype html><body>Hello via slirp4netns</body> ns1b EOF ns2b >index.html cat << EOF ns2b <!doctype html><body>Hello via pasta</body> ns2b EOF ns1b thttpd -p 8080 ns2b thttpd -p 8081 sleep 3 say , then check nl say that it's accessible. sleep 3 hostb lynx sleep 5 hostb q hostb lynx http://[::1]:8081/ sleep 5 hostb q sleep 2 nl nl say What about performance, you might ask. nl say For simplicity, we'll measure between init nl say namespace (the "host") and container. To do nl say that, we need to allow the container direct nl say access to the host, which needs an extra option nl say in slirp4netns. Let's restart that container, nl say while also mapping ports for iperf3 and neper. nl sleep 3 ns1 exit ns1b podman run --rm --net=slirp4netns:allow_host_loopback=true,enable_ipv6=true -p 5221-5222:5221-5222/tcp -p 5221-5222:5221-5222/udp -ti alpine sh sleep 5 nl nl say pasta allows that by default, so we wouldn't need nl say to touch the container using pasta, but let's nl say take the chance to look at passing extra options nl say there as well. nl nl ns2 exit say Options after '--net=pasta:' are the same as nl say documented for the command line of pasta(1). nl say For example, we can enable packet captures sleep 3 ns2b ./bin/podman run --net=pasta:--pcap,demo.pcap --rm -ti alpine sh sleep 5 say , nl say and generate some traffic we can look at. nl sleep 2 ns2b wget -O - lameexcu.se sleep 2 hostb tshark -r demo.pcap tcp sleep 5 nl say But back to performance now. By the way, nl say pasta can also forward ports through the nl say loopback interface for improved throughput. nl say Let's configure that. nl sleep 2 ns2b exit sleep 1 ns2b ./bin/podman run --net=pasta:-T,5213-5214,-U,5213-5214 -p 5223-5224:5223-5224/tcp -p 5223-5224:5223-5224/udp --rm -ti alpine sh sleep 5 nl say In slirp4netns mode, Podman enables by nl say default the port forwarder from 'rootlesskit' nl say for better performance. nl say However, it can't be used for non-local nl say mappings (traffic without loopback source nl em and say destination) because it doesn't preserve nl say the correct source address as it forwards nl say packets to the container. sleep 3 nl nl say We'll check non-loopback mappings first for nl say both pasta and slirp4netns, then restart the nl say slirp4netns container with rootlesskit and nl say switch to loopback mappings. pasta doesn't nl say have this limitation. nl nl say One last note: slirp4netns doesn't support nl say forwarding of IPv6 ports (to the container): nl say github.com/rootless-containers/slirp4netns/issues/253 nl say so we'll skip IPv6 tests for slirp4netns as nl say port forwarder (on the path to the container). sleep 5 ns1 exit ns1b podman run --rm --net=slirp4netns:allow_host_loopback=true,enable_ipv6=true,port_handler=slirp4netns -p 5221-5222:5221-5222/tcp -p 5221-5222:5221-5222/udp -ti alpine sh sleep 3 nl nl say We'll use iperf3(1) for throughput sleep 2 ns1b apk add iperf3 jq bc ns2b apk add iperf3 jq bc sleep 2 say and static nl say builds of neper (github.com/google/neper) for nl say latency. ns1 wget lameexcu.se/tcp_rr; chmod 755 tcp_rr ns2 wget lameexcu.se/tcp_rr; chmod 755 tcp_rr ns1 wget lameexcu.se/tcp_crr; chmod 755 tcp_crr ns2 wget lameexcu.se/tcp_crr; chmod 755 tcp_crr ns1 wget lameexcu.se/udp_rr; chmod 755 udp_rr ns2 wget lameexcu.se/udp_rr; chmod 755 udp_rr sleep 5 nl nl say Everything is set now, let's start sleep 2 hout IFNAME ip -j link show | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname' hout ADDR4 ip -j -4 addr show|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__IFNAME__").addr_info[] | select(.scope == "global").local' hout ADDR6 ip -j -6 addr show|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__IFNAME__").addr_info[] | select(.scope == "global").local' hout GW4 ip -j -4 route show|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway' hout GW6 ip -j -6 route show|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway' nl nl resize INFO D 15 info Throughput in Gbps, latency in µs info non-loopback (tap) connections th mode slirp4netns pasta tr TCP/IPv6 to ns #ns1b iperf3 -s1J -p 5221 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t1 #hostb iperf3 -c __ADDR6__ -p 5221 __OPTS__ #ns1out BW cat t1 #bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 bw - ns2b iperf3 -s1J -p 5223 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t1 hostb iperf3 -c __ADDR6__ -p 5223 __OPTS__ sleep 12 ns2b ns2out BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 hostb tl RR latency #ns1b ./tcp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5221 -P 5222 #sleep 2 #hout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -c -H __ADDR6__ -C 5221 -P 5222 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' #lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 lat - ns2b ./tcp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5223 -P 5224 sleep 2 hout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -c -H __ADDR6__ -C 5223 -P 5224 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 tl CRR latency #ns1b ./tcp_crr -6 --nolog -C 5221 -P 5222 #sleep 2 #hout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -c -H __ADDR6__ -C 5221 -P 5222 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' #lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 lat - ns2b ./tcp_crr -6 --nolog -C 5223 -P 5224 sleep 2 hout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -c -H __ADDR6__ -C 5223 -P 5224 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 tl TCP/IPv4 to ns ns1b iperf3 -s1J -p 5221 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t1 hostb iperf3 -c __ADDR4__ -p 5221 __OPTS__ sleep 12 ns1b ns1out BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 ns2b iperf3 -s1J -p 5223 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t1 hostb iperf3 -c __ADDR4__ -p 5223 __OPTS__ sleep 12 ns2b ns2out BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 hostb tl RR latency ns1b ./tcp_rr -4 --nolog -C 5221 -P 5222 sleep 2 hout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -c -H __ADDR4__ -C 5221 -P 5222 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 ns2b ./tcp_rr -4 --nolog -C 5223 -P 5224 sleep 2 hout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -c -H __ADDR4__ -C 5223 -P 5224 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 tl CRR latency ns1b ./tcp_crr -4 --nolog -C 5221 -P 5222 sleep 2 hout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -c -H __ADDR4__ -C 5221 -P 5222 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 ns2b ./tcp_crr -4 --nolog -C 5223 -P 5224 sleep 2 hout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -c -H __ADDR4__ -C 5223 -P 5224 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 tr TCP/IPv6 to host hostb iperf3 -s1J -p 5211 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t1 ns1b iperf3 -c fd00::2 -p 5211 __OPTS__ sleep 12 hostb hout BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 hostb iperf3 -s1J -p 5213 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t1 ns2b iperf3 -c __GW6__%__IFNAME__ -p 5213 __OPTS__ sleep 12 hostb hout BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 ns1b ns2b tl RR latency hostb tcp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5211 -P 5212 sleep 2 ns1out LAT ./tcp_rr --nolog -c -H fd00::2 -C 5211 -P 5212 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 hostb tcp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5213 -P 5214 sleep 2 ns2out LAT ./tcp_rr --nolog -c -H __GW6__%__IFNAME__ -C 5213 -P 5214 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 tl CRR latency hostb tcp_crr -6 --nolog -C 5211 -P 5212 sleep 2 ns1out LAT ./tcp_crr --nolog -c -H fd00::2 -C 5211 -P 5212 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 hostb tcp_crr -6 --nolog -C 5213 -P 5214 sleep 2 ns2out LAT ./tcp_crr --nolog -c -H __GW6__%__IFNAME__ -C 5213 -P 5214 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 tl TCP/IPv4 to host hostb iperf3 -s1J -p 5211 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t1 ns1b iperf3 -c -p 5211 __OPTS__ sleep 12 hostb hout BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 hostb iperf3 -s1J -p 5213 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t1 ns2b iperf3 -c __GW4__ -p 5213 __OPTS__ sleep 10 hostb hout BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 ns1b ns2b tl RR latency hostb tcp_rr -4 --nolog -C 5211 -P 5212 sleep 2 ns1out LAT ./tcp_rr --nolog -c -H -C 5211 -P 5212 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 hostb tcp_rr -4 --nolog -C 5213 -P 5214 sleep 2 ns2out LAT ./tcp_rr --nolog -c -H __GW4__ -C 5213 -P 5214 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 tl CRR latency hostb tcp_crr -4 --nolog -C 5211 -P 5212 sleep 2 ns1out LAT ./tcp_crr --nolog -c -H -C 5211 -P 5212 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 hostb tcp_crr -4 --nolog -C 5213 -P 5214 sleep 2 ns2out LAT ./tcp_crr --nolog -c -H __GW4__ -C 5213 -P 5214 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 sleep 5 tr UDP/IPv6 to ns #ns1b iperf3 -s1J -p 5221 | jq -rM ".intervals[0].sum.bits_per_second" >t1 #hostb iperf3 -u -c __ADDR6__ -p 5221 -t5 -b 35G #sleep 10 #ns1out BW cat t1 #bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 bw - ns2b iperf3 -s1J -p 5224 | jq -rM ".intervals[0].sum.bits_per_second" >t1 hostb iperf3 -u -c __ADDR6__ -p 5224 -t5 -b 35G sleep 10 ns2out BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 tl RR latency #ns1b ./udp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5221 -P 5222 #sleep 2 #hout LAT udp_rr --nolog -c -H __ADDR6__ -C 5221 -P 5222 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' #lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 lat - ns2b ./udp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5223 -P 5224 sleep 2 hout LAT udp_rr --nolog -c -H __ADDR6__ -C 5223 -P 5224 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 tl UDP/IPv4 to ns ns1b iperf3 -s1J -p 5221 | jq -rM ".intervals[0].sum.bits_per_second" >t1 hostb iperf3 -u -c __ADDR4__ -p 5221 -t5 -b 35G sleep 10 ns1out BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 ns2b iperf3 -s1J -p 5224 | jq -rM ".intervals[0].sum.bits_per_second" >t1 hostb iperf3 -u -c __ADDR4__ -p 5224 -t5 -b 35G sleep 10 ns2out BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 tl RR latency ns1b ./udp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5221 -P 5222 sleep 2 hout LAT udp_rr --nolog -c -H __ADDR4__ -C 5221 -P 5222 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 ns2b ./udp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5223 -P 5224 sleep 2 hout LAT udp_rr --nolog -c -H __ADDR4__ -C 5223 -P 5224 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 tr UDP/IPv6 to host hostb iperf3 -s1J -p 5211 | jq -rM ".intervals[0].sum.bits_per_second" >t1 ns1b iperf3 -u -c fd00::2 -p 5211 -t5 -b 35G sleep 10 hout BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 hostb iperf3 -s1J -p 5214 | jq -rM ".intervals[0].sum.bits_per_second" >t1 ns2b iperf3 -u -c __GW6__%__IFNAME__ -p 5214 -t5 -b 35G sleep 10 hout BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 tl RR latency hostb udp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5211 -P 5212 sleep 2 ns1out LAT ./udp_rr --nolog -c -H fd00::2 -C 5211 -P 5212 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 hostb udp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5213 -P 5214 sleep 2 ns2out LAT ./udp_rr --nolog -c -H __GW6__%__IFNAME__ -C 5213 -P 5214 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 tl UDP/IPv4 to host hostb iperf3 -s1J -p 5211 | jq -rM ".intervals[0].sum.bits_per_second" >t1 ns1b iperf3 -u -c -p 5211 -t5 -b 35G sleep 10 hout BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 hostb iperf3 -s1J -p 5214 | jq -rM ".intervals[0].sum.bits_per_second" >t1 ns2b iperf3 -u -c __GW4__ -p 5214 -t5 -b 35G sleep 10 hout BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 tl RR latency hostb udp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5211 -P 5212 sleep 2 ns1out LAT ./udp_rr --nolog -c -H -C 5211 -P 5212 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 hostb udp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5213 -P 5214 sleep 2 ns2out LAT ./udp_rr --nolog -c -H __GW4__ -C 5213 -P 5214 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 ns1 exit ns1 podman run --rm --net=slirp4netns:allow_host_loopback=true,enable_ipv6=true -p 5221-5222:5221-5222/tcp -p 5221-5222:5221-5222/udp -ti alpine sh ns1 apk add iperf3 jq bc ns1 wget lameexcu.se/tcp_rr; chmod 755 tcp_rr ns1 wget lameexcu.se/tcp_crr; chmod 755 tcp_crr ns1 wget lameexcu.se/udp_rr; chmod 755 udp_rr info info info loopback (lo) connections th mode rootlesskit pasta tr TCP/IPv6 to ns ns1b (iperf3 -s1J -p 5221 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t1) & ns1b iperf3 -s1J -p 5222 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t2 hostb iperf3 -c ::1 -p 5221 __OPTS__ & iperf3 -c ::1 -p 5222 __OPTS__ sleep 12 ns1b ns1out BW echo "$(cat t1) + $(cat t2)" | bc -l bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 ns2b (iperf3 -s1J -p 5223 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t1) & ns2b iperf3 -s1J -p 5224 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t2 hostb iperf3 -c ::1 -p 5223 __OPTS__ & iperf3 -c ::1 -p 5224 __OPTS__ sleep 12 ns2b ns2out BW echo "$(cat t1) + $(cat t2)" | bc -l bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 hostb tl RR latency ns1b ./tcp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5221 -P 5222 sleep 2 hout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -c -H ::1 -C 5221 -P 5222 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 ns2b ./tcp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5223 -P 5224 sleep 2 hout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -c -H ::1 -C 5223 -P 5224 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 tl CRR latency ns1b ./tcp_crr -6 --nolog -C 5221 -P 5222 sleep 2 hout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -c -H ::1 -C 5221 -P 5222 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 ns2b ./tcp_crr -6 --nolog -C 5223 -P 5224 sleep 2 hout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -c -H ::1 -C 5223 -P 5224 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 tl TCP/IPv4 to ns ns1b (iperf3 -s1J -p 5221 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t1) & ns1b iperf3 -s1J -p 5222 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t2 hostb iperf3 -c -p 5221 __OPTS__ & iperf3 -c -p 5222 __OPTS__ sleep 12 ns1b ns1out BW echo "$(cat t1) + $(cat t2)" | bc -l bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 ns2b (iperf3 -s1J -p 5223 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t1) & ns2b iperf3 -s1J -p 5224 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t2 hostb iperf3 -c -p 5223 __OPTS__ & iperf3 -c -p 5224 __OPTS__ sleep 12 ns2b ns2out BW echo "$(cat t1) + $(cat t2)" | bc -l bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 hostb tl RR latency ns1b ./tcp_rr -4 --nolog -C 5221 -P 5222 sleep 2 hout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -c -H -C 5221 -P 5222 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 ns2b ./tcp_rr -4 --nolog -C 5223 -P 5224 sleep 2 hout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -c -H -C 5223 -P 5224 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 tl CRR latency ns1b ./tcp_crr -4 --nolog -C 5221 -P 5222 sleep 2 hout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -c -H -C 5221 -P 5222 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 ns2b ./tcp_crr -4 --nolog -C 5223 -P 5224 sleep 2 hout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -c -H -C 5223 -P 5224 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 tr TCP/IPv6 to host hostb (iperf3 -s1J -p 5211 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t1) & hostb iperf3 -s1J -p 5212 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t2 ns1b iperf3 -c fd00::2 -p 5211 __OPTS__ & iperf3 -c fd00::2 -p 5212 __OPTS__ sleep 12 hostb hout BW echo "$(cat t1) + $(cat t2)" | bc -l bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 hostb (iperf3 -s1J -p 5213 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t1) & hostb iperf3 -s1J -p 5214 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t2 ns2b iperf3 -c ::1 -p 5213 __OPTS__ & iperf3 -c ::1 -p 5214 __OPTS__ sleep 12 hostb hout BW echo "$(cat t1) + $(cat t2)" | bc -l bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 ns1b ns2b tl RR latency hostb tcp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5211 -P 5212 sleep 2 ns1out LAT ./tcp_rr --nolog -c -H fd00::2 -C 5211 -P 5212 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 hostb tcp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5213 -P 5214 sleep 2 ns2out LAT ./tcp_rr --nolog -c -H ::1 -C 5213 -P 5214 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 tl CRR latency hostb tcp_crr -6 --nolog -C 5211 -P 5212 sleep 2 ns1out LAT ./tcp_crr --nolog -c -H fd00::2 -C 5211 -P 5212 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 hostb tcp_crr -6 --nolog -C 5213 -P 5214 sleep 2 ns2out LAT ./tcp_crr --nolog -c -H ::1 -C 5213 -P 5214 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 tl TCP/IPv4 to host hostb (iperf3 -s1J -p 5211 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t1) & hostb iperf3 -s1J -p 5212 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t2 ns1b iperf3 -c -p 5211 __OPTS__ & iperf3 -c -p 5212 __OPTS__ sleep 12 hostb hout BW echo "$(cat t1) + $(cat t2)" | bc -l bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 hostb (iperf3 -s1J -p 5213 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t1) & hostb iperf3 -s1J -p 5214 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second" >t2 ns2b iperf3 -c -p 5213 __OPTS__ & iperf3 -c -p 5214 __OPTS__ sleep 12 hostb hout BW echo "$(cat t1) + $(cat t2)" | bc -l bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 ns1b ns2b tl RR latency hostb tcp_rr -4 --nolog -C 5211 -P 5212 sleep 2 ns1out LAT ./tcp_rr --nolog -c -H -C 5211 -P 5212 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 hostb tcp_rr -4 --nolog -C 5213 -P 5214 sleep 2 ns2out LAT ./tcp_rr --nolog -c -H -C 5213 -P 5214 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 tl CRR latency hostb tcp_crr -4 --nolog -C 5211 -P 5212 sleep 2 ns1out LAT ./tcp_crr --nolog -c -H -C 5211 -P 5212 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 hostb tcp_crr -4 --nolog -C 5213 -P 5214 sleep 2 ns2out LAT ./tcp_crr --nolog -c -H -C 5213 -P 5214 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 sleep 5 tr UDP/IPv6 to ns ns1b iperf3 -s1J -p 5221 | jq -rM ".intervals[0].sum.bits_per_second" >t1 hostb iperf3 -u -c ::1 -p 5221 -t5 -b 35G sleep 10 ns1out BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 ns2b iperf3 -s1J -p 5224 | jq -rM ".intervals[0].sum.bits_per_second" >t1 hostb iperf3 -u -c ::1 -p 5224 -t5 -b 35G sleep 10 ns2out BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 tl RR latency ns1b ./udp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5221 -P 5222 sleep 2 hout LAT udp_rr --nolog -c -H ::1 -C 5221 -P 5222 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 ns2b ./udp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5223 -P 5224 sleep 2 hout LAT udp_rr --nolog -c -H ::1 -C 5223 -P 5224 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 tl UDP/IPv4 to ns ns1b iperf3 -s1J -p 5221 | jq -rM ".intervals[0].sum.bits_per_second" >t1 hostb iperf3 -u -c -p 5221 -t5 -b 35G sleep 10 ns1out BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 ns2b iperf3 -s1J -p 5224 | jq -rM ".intervals[0].sum.bits_per_second" >t1 hostb iperf3 -u -c -p 5224 -t5 -b 35G sleep 10 ns2out BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 tl RR latency ns1b ./udp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5221 -P 5222 sleep 2 hout LAT udp_rr --nolog -c -H -C 5221 -P 5222 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 ns2b ./udp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5223 -P 5224 sleep 2 hout LAT udp_rr --nolog -c -H -C 5223 -P 5224 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 tr UDP/IPv6 to host hostb iperf3 -s1J -p 5211 | jq -rM ".intervals[0].sum.bits_per_second" >t1 ns1b iperf3 -u -c fd00::2 -p 5211 -t5 -b 35G sleep 10 hout BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 hostb iperf3 -s1J -p 5214 | jq -rM ".intervals[0].sum.bits_per_second" >t1 ns2b iperf3 -u -c ::1 -p 5214 -t5 -b 35G sleep 10 hout BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 tl RR latency hostb udp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5211 -P 5212 sleep 2 ns1out LAT ./udp_rr --nolog -c -H fd00::2 -C 5211 -P 5212 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 hostb udp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5213 -P 5214 sleep 2 ns2out LAT ./udp_rr --nolog -c -H ::1 -C 5213 -P 5214 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 tl UDP/IPv4 to host hostb iperf3 -s1J -p 5211 | jq -rM ".intervals[0].sum.bits_per_second" >t1 ns1b iperf3 -u -c -p 5211 -t5 -b 35G sleep 10 hout BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 hostb iperf3 -s1J -p 5214 | jq -rM ".intervals[0].sum.bits_per_second" >t1 ns2b iperf3 -u -c -p 5214 -t5 -b 35G sleep 10 hout BW cat t1 bw __BW__ 0.0 0.0 tl RR latency hostb udp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5211 -P 5212 sleep 2 ns1out LAT ./udp_rr --nolog -c -H -C 5211 -P 5212 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 hostb udp_rr -6 --nolog -C 5213 -P 5214 sleep 2 ns2out LAT ./udp_rr --nolog -c -H -C 5213 -P 5214 -l 5 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p' lat __LAT__ 100000 100000 nl nl say Thanks for watching! sleep 15