#!/bin/sh # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # # PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport # for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode # # PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction # for network namespace/tap device mode # # test/lib/perf_report - Prepare JavaScript report for performance tests # # Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH # Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com> PERF_INIT=0 PERF_LINK_COUNT=0 PERF_JS="${LOGDIR}/web/perf.js" PERF_TEMPLATE_HTML="document.write('"' Throughput in Gbps, latency in µs. Threads are <span style="font-family: monospace;">iperf3</span> processes, <i>passt</i> and <i>pasta</i> are currently single-threaded.<br/> Click on numbers to show test execution. Measured at head, commit <span style="font-family: monospace;">__commit__</span>. <style type="text/CSS"> table.passt td { border: 0px solid; padding: 6px; line-height: 1; } table.passt td { text-align: right; } table.passt th { text-align: center; font-weight: bold; } table.passt tr:not(:first-of-type) td:not(:first-of-type) { font-family: monospace; font-weight: bolder; } table.passt tr:nth-child(3n+0) { background-color: #112315; } table.passt tr:not(:nth-child(3n+0)) td { background-color: #101010; } table.passt td:nth-child(6n+7) { background-color: #603302; } table.passt tr:nth-child(1) { background-color: #363e61; } td:empty { visibility: hidden; } </style> <ul> <li><p>passt</p> <table class="passt" width="70%"> <tr> <th/> <th id="perf_passt_tcp" colspan="__passt_tcp_cols__">TCP, __passt_tcp_threads__ at __passt_tcp_freq__ GHz</th> <th id="perf_passt_udp" colspan="__passt_udp_cols__">UDP, __passt_udp_threads__ at __passt_udp_freq__ GHz</th> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">MTU:</td> __passt_tcp_header__ __passt_udp_header__ </tr> __passt_tcp_LINE__ __passt_udp_LINE__ </table> <style type="text/CSS"> table.pasta td { border: 0px solid; padding: 6px; line-height: 1; } table.pasta td { text-align: right; } table.pasta th { text-align: center; font-weight: bold; } table.pasta tr:not(:first-of-type) td:not(:first-of-type) { font-family: monospace; font-weight: bolder; } table.pasta tr:nth-child(3n+0) { background-color: #112315; } table.pasta tr:not(:nth-child(3n+0)) td { background-color: #101010; } table.pasta td:nth-child(4n+5) { background-color: #603302; } table.pasta tr:nth-child(1) { background-color: #363e61; } td:empty { visibility: hidden; } </style> </li><li><p>pasta: local connections/traffic</p> <table class="pasta" width="70%"> <tr> <th/> <th id="perf_pasta_lo_tcp" colspan="__pasta_lo_tcp_cols__">TCP, __pasta_lo_tcp_threads__ at __pasta_lo_tcp_freq__ GHz</th> <th id="perf_pasta_lo_udp" colspan="__pasta_lo_udp_cols__">UDP, __pasta_lo_udp_threads__ at __pasta_lo_udp_freq__ GHz</th> </th> <tr> <td align="right">MTU:</td> __pasta_lo_tcp_header__ __pasta_lo_udp_header__ </tr> __pasta_lo_tcp_LINE__ __pasta_lo_udp_LINE__ </table> </li><li><p>pasta: connections/traffic via tap</p> <table class="pasta" width="70%"> <tr> <th/> <th id="perf_pasta_tap_tcp" colspan="__pasta_tap_tcp_cols__">TCP, __pasta_tap_tcp_threads__ at __pasta_tap_tcp_freq__ GHz</th> <th id="perf_pasta_tap_udp" colspan="__pasta_tap_udp_cols__">UDP, __pasta_tap_udp_threads__ at __pasta_tap_udp_freq__ GHz</th> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">MTU:</td> __pasta_tap_tcp_header__ __pasta_tap_udp_header__ </tr> __pasta_tap_tcp_LINE__ __pasta_tap_udp_LINE__ </table> </li></ul>' PERF_TEMPLATE_JS="'); var perf_links = [ " PERF_TEMPLATE_POST=']; for (var i = 0; i < perf_links.length; i++) { var obj = document.getElementById(perf_links[i][0]); obj.addEventListener("click", function(event) { var ci_video = document.getElementById("ci"); var top = ci_video.offsetTop - 5; var seek; for (var i = 0; i < perf_links.length; i++) { if (this.id == perf_links[i][0]) { seek = perf_links[i][1]; } } event.preventDefault(); ci_player.dispose(); ci_player = AsciinemaPlayer.create("/builds/latest/web/ci.cast", ci_video, { cols: 240, rows: 51, poster: "npt:999:0", startAt: seek, autoplay: true }); window.scrollTo({ top: top, behavior: "smooth" }) }, false); } ' # perf_init() - Process first part of template perf_init() { mkdir -p "$(dirname "${PERF_JS}")" echo "${PERF_TEMPLATE_HTML}" > "${PERF_JS}" perf_report_sub commit "$(echo ${COMMIT} | sed "s/'/\\\'/g")" PERF_INIT=1 } # perf_fill_lines() - Fill multiple "LINE" directives in template, matching rows perf_fill_lines() { while true; do __file_line="$(sed -n '/__.*_LINE__/{=;q}' "${PERF_JS}")" [ -z "${__file_line}" ] && break __line_no=0 __done=0 __line_buf="<tr>" while true; do __match_first_td=0 for __t in $(sed -n '/__.*_LINE__/{p;q}' "${PERF_JS}"); do if [ ${__match_first_td} -eq 1 ]; then __matching_line_no=0 while true; do __line_part= __var_name="$(echo $__t | sed -n 's/__\(.*\)__/\1_'"${__matching_line_no}"'/p')" [ -z "$(eval echo \$${__var_name})" ] && break __line_part="$(eval echo \$${__var_name})" __td_check="$(echo "${__line_part}" | sed -n 's/^<td>\([^>]*\)<\/td>.*$/\1/p')" if [ "${__td_check}" = "${__td_match}" ]; then __line_part="$(echo "${__line_part}" | sed -n 's/^<td>[^>]*<\/td>\(.*\)$/\1/p')" break fi __matching_line_no=$((__matching_line_no + 1)) done else __var_name="$(echo $__t | sed -n 's/__\(.*\)__/\1_'"${__line_no}"'/p')" [ -z "$(eval echo \$${__var_name})" ] && __done=1 && break __line_part="$(eval echo \$${__var_name})" __td_match="$(echo "${__line_part}" | sed -n 's/^<td>\([^>]*\)<\/td>.*$/\1/p')" fi __line_buf="${__line_buf}${__line_part}" __match_first_td=1 done [ ${__done} -eq 1 ] && break __line_no=$((__line_no + 1)) __line_buf="${__line_buf}</tr><tr>" done __line_buf="${__line_buf}</tr>" __line_buf="$(printf '%s\n' "${__line_buf}" | sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^[]/\\&/g')" sed -i "${__file_line}s/.*/${__line_buf}/" "${PERF_JS}" done } # perf_finish() - Add trailing backslashes and process ending templates perf_finish() { PERF_INIT=0 perf_fill_lines sed -i 's/^.*$/&\\/g' "${PERF_JS}" echo "${PERF_TEMPLATE_JS}" >> "${PERF_JS}" echo "${PERF_TEMPLATE_POST}" >> "${PERF_JS}" } # perf_report_sub() - Apply simple substitutions in template perf_report_sub() { __et="$(printf '%s\n' "${1}" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g')" __es="$(printf '%s\n' "${2}" | sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^[]/\\&/g')" sed -i 's/__'"${__et}"'__/'"${__es}"'/g' "${PERF_JS}" } # perf_report_append_js() - Append generic string to current template buffer perf_report_append_js() { PERF_TEMPLATE_JS="${PERF_TEMPLATE_JS}${@}" } # perf_report() - Start of single test report perf_report() { __mode="${1}" __proto="${2}" __threads="${3}" __freq="${4}" REPORT_IN="${__mode}_${__proto}" [ ${__threads} -eq 1 ] && __threads="one thread" || __threads="${__threads} threads" perf_report_sub "${__mode}_${__proto}_threads" "${__threads}" perf_report_sub "${__mode}_${__proto}_freq" "${__freq}" perf_report_append_js "[ 'perf_${__mode}_${__proto}', $(video_time_now) ]," } # perf_th() - Table header for a set of tests perf_th() { [ ${PERF_INIT} -eq 0 ] && return shift __th_buf= __cols_count=0 for __arg; do __th_buf="${__th_buf}<td>${__arg}</td>" __cols_count=$((__cols_count + 1)) done perf_report_sub "${REPORT_IN}_header" "${__th_buf}" perf_report_sub "${REPORT_IN}_cols" ${__cols_count} } # perf_tr() - Main table row perf_tr() { [ ${PERF_INIT} -eq 0 ] && return __line_no=0 shift while true; do [ -z "$(eval echo \$${REPORT_IN}_LINE_${__line_no})" ] && break __line_no=$((__line_no + 1)) done eval ${REPORT_IN}_LINE_${__line_no}="\"<td>${@}</td>\"" } # perf_td() - Single cell with test result perf_td() { [ ${PERF_INIT} -eq 0 ] && return __rewind="${1}" shift __line_no=0 while true; do [ -z "$(eval echo \$${REPORT_IN}_LINE_${__line_no})" ] && break __line_no=$((__line_no + 1)) done __line_no=$((__line_no - 1)) [ -z "${1}" ] && __id=0 || __id="perf_${PERF_LINK_COUNT}" eval ${REPORT_IN}_LINE_${__line_no}=\""\${${REPORT_IN}_LINE_${__line_no}}<td id=\"${__id}\">${1}</td>"\" [ -z "${1}" ] && return perf_report_append_js "[ '${__id}', $(($(video_time_now) - ${__rewind})) ]," PERF_LINK_COUNT=$((PERF_LINK_COUNT + 1)) } # perf_te() - End of a table, currently unused pert_te() { : }