In practical terms, passt doesn't benefit from the additional protection offered by the AGPL over the GPL, because it's not suitable to be executed over a computer network. Further, restricting the distribution under the version 3 of the GPL wouldn't provide any practical advantage either, as long as the passt codebase is concerned, and might cause unnecessary compatibility dilemmas. Change licensing terms to the GNU General Public License Version 2, or any later version, with written permission from all current and past contributors, namely: myself, David Gibson, Laine Stump, Andrea Bolognani, Paul Holzinger, Richard W.M. Jones, Chris Kuhn, Florian Weimer, Giuseppe Scrivano, Stefan Hajnoczi, and Vasiliy Ulyanov. Signed-off-by: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
# for network namespace/tap device mode
# test/demo/passt - Quick introduction to passt
# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
say This is a short introduction to
em passt
say .
sleep 3
say Let's fetch the source
sleep 1
host cd __STATEDIR__
host git clone git://passt.top/passt
sleep 1
say and build it.
sleep 1
host cd passt
host make
sleep 1
say A quick look at the man page...
sleep 1
hostb man ./passt.1
sleep 5
hostb /ports
sleep 2
hostb n
sleep 2
hostb n
sleep 10
say '-t' to forward TCP ports.
sleep 3
host q
say Let's create a small initramfs image for the guest.
guest cd __STATEDIR__
guest git clone git://mbuto.sh/mbuto
guest ./mbuto/mbuto -f passt.img -p passt/test/passt.mbuto -c lz4
sleep 2
say We want to isolate passt and guest in a
say network namespace. For convenience, we'll
say create it with 'pasta', see also the
say 'pasta' demo above.
sleep 3
passt cd __STATEDIR__/passt
passtb ./pasta -P pasta.pid
sleep 3
passt /sbin/dhclient -4 --no-pid
sleep 2
passt /sbin/dhclient -6 --no-pid
sleep 2
say Now let's run 'passt' in the new namespace, and
say enter this namespace from the guest terminal too.
sleep 3
guest cd passt
gout TARGET_PID pgrep -P $(cat pasta.pid)
sleep 1
passtb ./passt -f -t 10001,10003 -s __STATEDIR__/passt.socket
sleep 2
guest nsenter -t __TARGET_PID__ -U -n --preserve-credentials
sleep 5
say We're ready to start qemu
sleep 2
hout VMLINUZ echo "/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)"
guest qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 4096 -cpu host -smp 4 -kernel __VMLINUZ__ -initrd ../passt.img -nographic -serial stdio -nodefaults -append "console=ttyS0" -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=s0 -netdev stream,id=s0,server=off,addr.type=unix,addr.path=__STATEDIR__/passt.socket
sleep 10
guest ip link show
sleep 3
say Guest is up. Let's configure IPv4 first...
sleep 2
guest ip link set dev eth0 up
sleep 2
guest dhclient -4
sleep 2
guest ip addr show
sleep 5
say SLAAC is already done, but we can also
say get another address via DHCPv6.
sleep 3
guest dhclient -6
sleep 3
say Let's try to communicate between host and guest.
sleep 2
guestb socat TCP6-LISTEN:10001 STDIO
sleep 2
host echo "Hello from the host" | socat -u STDIN TCP6:[::1]:10001
sleep 5
say Now the other way around... using
say the address of the default gateway.
sleep 2
gout GW ip -j -4 route show|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
sleep 5
hostb socat TCP4-LISTEN:31337 STDIO
sleep 2
guest echo "Hello from the guest" | socat -u STDIN TCP4:__GW__:31337
sleep 3
say Let's have a (quick!) look at performance
say more in the "Performance" section below.
sleep 3
host nsenter -t __TARGET_PID__ -U -n --preserve-credentials
guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=536870912
guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=536870912
guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=33554432
guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.wmem_default=33554432
guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem="4096 131072 268435456"
guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_wmem="4096 131072 268435456"
guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps=0
host sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem="4096 524288 134217728"
host sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_wmem="4096 524288 134217728"
host sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps=0
gout GW6 ip -j -6 route show|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
gout IFNAME ip -j link show | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
info Throughput in Gbps, latency in µs
th flow host>guest guest>host
set OPTS -P4 -w 64M -l 1M -i1 --pacing-timer 100000
tr TCP/IPv6 throughput
hostb sleep 10; iperf3 -c ::1 -p 10001 __OPTS__
gout BW iperf3 -s1J -p 10001 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second"
bw __BW__ 2.0 3.0
sleep 5
guestb sleep 10; iperf3 -c __GW6__%__IFNAME__ -p 10002 __OPTS__ -O3
hout BW iperf3 -s1J -p 10002 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second"
bw __BW__ 2.0 3.0
tl TCP/IPv6 RR latency
guestb tcp_rr -C 10001 -P 10003 -6 --nolog
sleep 2
hout LAT tcp_rr -C 10001 -P 10003 --nolog -c -H ::1 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
lat __LAT__ 1000 800
sleep 2
hostb tcp_rr -6 --nolog
sleep 2
gout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -c -H __GW6__%__IFNAME__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
lat __LAT__ 1000 800
sleep 2
tl TCP/IPv6 CRR latency
guestb tcp_crr -C 10001 -P 10003 -6 --nolog
sleep 2
hout LAT tcp_crr -C 10001 -P 10003 --nolog -c -H ::1 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
lat __LAT__ 1000 800
sleep 2
hostb tcp_crr -6 --nolog
sleep 2
gout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -c -H __GW6__%__IFNAME__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
lat __LAT__ 1000 800
sleep 2
tr TCP/IPv4 throughput
hostb sleep 10; iperf3 -c -p 10001 __OPTS__
gout BW iperf3 -p 10001 -s1J | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second"
bw __BW__ 2.0 3.0
sleep 5
guestb sleep 10; iperf3 -c __GW__ -p 10002 __OPTS__ -O3
hout BW iperf3 -s1J -p 10002 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second"
bw __BW__ 2.0 3.0
tl TCP/IPv4 RR latency
guestb tcp_rr -C 10001 -P 10003 -4 --nolog
sleep 2
hout LAT tcp_rr -C 10001 -P 10003 --nolog -c -H | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
lat __LAT__ 1000 800
sleep 2
hostb tcp_rr -4 --nolog
sleep 2
gout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -c -H __GW__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
lat __LAT__ 1000 800
sleep 2
tl TCP/IPv4 CRR latency
guestb tcp_crr -C 10001 -P 10003 -4 --nolog
sleep 2
hout LAT tcp_crr -C 10001 -P 10003 --nolog -c -H | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
lat __LAT__ 1000 800
sleep 2
hostb tcp_crr -4 --nolog
sleep 2
gout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -c -H __GW__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
lat __LAT__ 1000 800
sleep 2
say Thanks for watching!
sleep 5