Default value for /proc/sys/fs/nr_open is 2^20, which is more than enough: set this hard limit as current (soft) limit on start, and drop the 'ulimit -n' from the demo script. Signed-off-by: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
80 lines
2.2 KiB
Executable file
80 lines
2.2 KiB
Executable file
#!/bin/sh -e
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
# demo.sh - Set up namespaces, addresses and routes to show PASST functionality
# Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Red Hat GmbH
# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
get_token() {
IFS=' '
for __token in ${@}; do
[ ${__next} -eq 2 ] && echo "${__token}" && return
[ "${__token}" = "${1}" ] && __next=$((__next + 1))
unset IFS
ipv6_dev() { get_token "dev" $(ip -o -6 ro show default); }
ipv6_devaddr() { get_token "inet6" $(ip -o -6 ad sh dev "${1}" scope global); }
ipv6_ll_addr() { get_token "inet6" $(ip -o -6 ad sh dev "${1}" scope link); }
ipv6_mask() { echo ${1#*/}; }
ipv6_mangle() {
for __16b in ${1%%/*}; do
if [ ${__c} -lt 7 ]; then
printf "${__16b}:"
printf "abcd\n" && break
__c=$((__c + 1))
unset IFS
ndp_setup() {
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.proxy_ndp=1
ip -6 neigh add proxy "${1}" dev "$(ipv6_dev)"
ip netns del passt 2>/dev/null || :
ip link del veth_passt 2>/dev/null || :
ip netns add passt
ip link add veth_passt up netns passt type veth peer name veth_passt
ip link set dev veth_passt up
ip -n passt addr add dev veth_passt
ip addr add dev veth_passt
ip -n passt route add default via
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
nft delete table passt_nat 2>/dev/null || :
nft add table passt_nat
nft 'add chain passt_nat postrouting { type nat hook postrouting priority -100 ; }'
nft add rule passt_nat postrouting ip saddr masquerade
ipv6_addr="$(ipv6_devaddr "$(ipv6_dev)")"
ipv6_passt="$(ipv6_mangle "${ipv6_addr}")"
ndp_setup "${ipv6_passt}"
ip -n passt addr add "${ipv6_passt}/$(ipv6_mask "${ipv6_addr}")" dev veth_passt
ip addr add "${ipv6_addr}" dev veth_passt
passt_ll="$(ipv6_ll_addr "veth_passt")"
main_ll="$(get_token "link/ether" $(ip -o li sh veth_passt))"
ip neigh add "${passt_ll%%/*}" dev veth_passt lladdr "${main_ll}"
ip -n passt route add default via "${passt_ll%%/*}" dev veth_passt
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1
ethtool -K veth_passt tx off
ip netns exec passt ethtool -K veth_passt tx off
ip netns exec passt sysctl -w net.ipv4.ping_group_range="0 2147483647"
ip netns exec passt ./passt