Extends the context system in the test scripts to allow executing commands within a guest. Do this without requiring an existing network in the guest by using socat to run ssh via a vsock connection. We do need some additional "sleep"s in the tests, because the new faster dispatch means that sometimes we attempt to connect before socat has managed to listen. For now, only use this for the plain "passt" tests. The "passt_in_ns" and other tests have additional complications we still need to deal with. Signed-off-by: David Gibson <david@gibson.dropbear.id.au>
427 lines
13 KiB
Executable file
427 lines
13 KiB
Executable file
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
# for network namespace/tap device mode
# test/lib/setup - Set up and tear down passt and pasta environments
# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
VCPUS="$( [ $(nproc) -ge 8 ] && echo 6 || echo $(( $(nproc) / 2 + 1 )) )"
__mem_kib="$(sed -n 's/MemTotal:[ ]*\([0-9]*\) kB/\1/p' /proc/meminfo)"
VMEM="$((${__mem_kib} / 1024 / 4))"
# setup_build() - Set up pane layout for build tests
setup_build() {
context_setup_host host
# setup_distro() - Set up pane layout for distro tests
setup_distro() {
# setup_passt() - Start qemu and passt
setup_passt() {
context_setup_host host
context_setup_host passt
context_setup_host qemu
# Ports:
# guest | host
# --------------|---------------------
# 10001 as server | forwarded to guest
# 10003 | as server
[ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/passt.pcap"
[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
[ ${TRACE} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} --trace"
context_run passt "make clean"
context_run passt "make valgrind"
context_run_bg passt "valgrind --max-stackframe=$((4 * 1024 * 1024)) --trace-children=yes --vgdb=no --error-exitcode=1 --suppressions=test/valgrind.supp ./passt ${__opts} -f -t 10001 -u 10001 -P passt.pid"
sleep 5
context_run_bg qemu './qrap 5 qemu-system-$(uname -m)' \
' -machine accel=kvm' \
' -m '${VMEM}' -cpu host -smp '${VCPUS} \
' -kernel ' "/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)" \
' -initrd '${INITRAMFS}' -nographic -serial stdio' \
' -nodefaults' \
' -append "console=ttyS0 mitigations=off apparmor=0 ' \
'virtio-net.napi_tx=1"' \
" -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,x-txburst=16384" \
" -netdev socket,fd=5,id=hostnet0" \
" -pidfile passt_qemu.pid" \
" -device vhost-vsock-pci,guest-cid=$GUEST_CID"
context_setup_guest guest $GUEST_CID
# setup_pasta() - Create a network and user namespace, connect pasta to it
setup_pasta() {
context_setup_host host
context_setup_host passt
context_setup_host unshare
context_run_bg unshare "unshare -rUnpf ${NSHOLDER} ns.hold hold"
__target_pid=$(${NSHOLDER} ns.hold pid)
context_setup_nsenter ns -U -n -p --preserve-credentials -t ${__target_pid}
# Ports:
# ns | host
# ------------------|---------------------
# 10002 as server | spliced to ns
# 10003 spliced to init | as server
[ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/pasta.pcap"
[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
[ ${TRACE} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} --trace"
context_run_bg passt "./pasta ${__opts} -f -t 10002 -T 10003 -u 10002 -U 10003 -P passt.pid ${__target_pid}"
sleep 1
# setup_passt_in_ns() - Set up namespace (with pasta), run qemu and passt into it
setup_passt_in_ns() {
context_setup_host host
# Ports:
# guest | ns | host
# -------------|--------------------|-----------------
# 10001 as server | forwarded to guest | spliced to ns
# 10002 | as server | spliced to ns
# 10003 | spliced to init | as server
# 10011 as server | forwarded to guest | spliced to ns
# 10012 | as server | spliced to ns
# 10013 | spliced to init | as server
# 10021 as server | forwarded to guest |
# 10031 as server | forwarded to guest |
[ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/pasta_with_passt.pcap"
[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
[ ${TRACE} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} --trace"
pane_run PASST "./pasta ${__opts} -t 10001,10002,10011,10012 -T 10003,10013 -u 10001,10002,10011,10012 -U 10003,10013 -P ${__pid_file}"
sleep 1
pane_run PASST ''
pane_status PASST
__pasta_pid="$(cat "${__pid_file}")"
__ns_pid="$(cat /proc/${__pasta_pid}/task/${__pasta_pid}/children | cut -f1 -d' ')"
rm "${__pid_file}"
pane_run GUEST "nsenter -t ${__ns_pid} -U -n --preserve-credentials"
pane_run NS "nsenter -t ${__ns_pid} -U -n -p --preserve-credentials"
pane_status GUEST
pane_status NS
pane_run NS "ip -j link show | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == \"ether\").ifname'"
pane_wait NS
__ifname="$(pane_parse NS)"
pane_run NS "/sbin/dhclient -4 --no-pid ${__ifname}"
pane_status NS
sleep 2
pane_run NS "/sbin/dhclient -6 --no-pid ${__ifname}"
pane_status NS
[ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/passt_in_pasta.pcap"
[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
[ ${TRACE} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} --trace"
if [ ${VALGRIND} -eq 1 ]; then
pane_run PASST "make clean"
pane_status PASST
pane_run PASST "make valgrind"
pane_status PASST
pane_run PASST "valgrind --max-stackframe=$((4 * 1024 * 1024)) --trace-children=yes --vgdb=no --error-exitcode=1 --suppressions=test/valgrind.supp ./passt -f ${__opts} -t 10001,10011,10021,10031 -u 10001,10011,10021,10031 -P passt.pid"
pane_run PASST "make clean"
pane_status PASST
pane_run PASST "make"
pane_status PASST
pane_run PASST "./passt -f ${__opts} -t 10001,10011,10021,10031 -u 10001,10011,10021,10031 -P passt.pid"
sleep 5
pane_run GUEST './qrap 5 qemu-system-$(uname -m)' \
' -machine accel=kvm' \
' -M accel=kvm:tcg' \
' -m '${VMEM}' -cpu host -smp '${VCPUS} \
' -kernel ' "/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)" \
' -initrd '${INITRAMFS}' -nographic -serial stdio' \
' -nodefaults' \
' -append "console=ttyS0 mitigations=off apparmor=0 ' \
'virtio-net.napi_tx=1"' \
" -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,x-txburst=524288" \
" -netdev socket,fd=5,id=hostnet0" \
' -pidfile passt_in_ns_qemu.pid'
pane_status GUEST
# setup_two_guests() - Set up two namespace, run qemu and passt in both of them
setup_two_guests() {
context_setup_host host
# Ports:
# guest #1 | guest #2 | ns #1 | ns #2 | host
# --------- |-----------|-----------|------------|------------
# 10001 as server | | to guest | to init | to ns #1
# 10002 | | as server | | to ns #1
# 10003 | | to init | to init | as server
# 10004 | as server | to init | to guest | to ns #2
# 10005 | | | as server | to ns #2
[ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/pasta_1.pcap"
[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
[ ${TRACE} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} --trace"
pane_run PASST_1 "./pasta ${__opts} -P ${__pid1_file} -t 10001,10002 -T 10003,10004 -u 10001,10002 -U 10003,10004"
[ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/pasta_2.pcap"
[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
[ ${TRACE} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} --trace"
pane_run PASST_2 "./pasta ${__opts} -P ${__pid2_file} -t 10004,10005 -T 10003,10001 -u 10004,10005 -U 10003,10001"
sleep 1
pane_run PASST_1 ''
pane_run PASST_2 ''
pane_status PASST_1
pane_status PASST_2
__pasta1_pid="$(cat "${__pid1_file}")"
__ns1_pid="$(cat /proc/${__pasta1_pid}/task/${__pasta1_pid}/children | cut -f1 -d' ')"
rm "${__pid1_file}"
__pasta2_pid="$(cat "${__pid2_file}")"
__ns2_pid="$(cat /proc/${__pasta2_pid}/task/${__pasta2_pid}/children | cut -f1 -d' ')"
rm "${__pid2_file}"
pane_run GUEST_1 "nsenter -t ${__ns1_pid} -U -n --preserve-credentials"
pane_run GUEST_2 "nsenter -t ${__ns2_pid} -U -n --preserve-credentials"
pane_run PASST_1 "ip -j link show | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == \"ether\").ifname'"
pane_wait PASST_1
__ifname="$(pane_parse PASST_1)"
pane_run GUEST_1 "/sbin/dhclient -4 --no-pid ${__ifname}"
pane_run GUEST_2 "/sbin/dhclient -4 --no-pid ${__ifname}"
pane_status GUEST_1
pane_status GUEST_2
sleep 2
pane_run GUEST_1 "/sbin/dhclient -6 --no-pid ${__ifname}"
pane_run GUEST_2 "/sbin/dhclient -6 --no-pid ${__ifname}"
pane_status GUEST_1
pane_status GUEST_2
[ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/passt_1.pcap"
[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
[ ${TRACE} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} --trace"
pane_run PASST_1 "./passt -f ${__opts} -t 10001 -u 10001"
sleep 1
[ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/passt_2.pcap"
[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
[ ${TRACE} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} --trace"
pane_run PASST_2 "./passt -f ${__opts} -t 10004 -u 10004"
pane_run GUEST_1 './qrap 5 qemu-system-$(uname -m)' \
' -M accel=kvm:tcg' \
' -m '${VMEM}' -cpu host -smp '${VCPUS} \
' -kernel ' "/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)" \
' -initrd '${INITRAMFS}' -nographic -serial stdio' \
' -nodefaults' \
' -append "console=ttyS0 mitigations=off apparmor=0 ' \
'virtio-net.napi_tx=1"' \
" -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,x-txburst=16384" \
" -netdev socket,fd=5,id=hostnet0" \
' -pidfile two_guests_qemu_1.pid'
pane_run GUEST_2 './qrap 5 qemu-system-$(uname -m)' \
' -M accel=kvm:tcg' \
' -m '${VMEM}' -cpu host -smp '${VCPUS} \
' -kernel ' "/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)" \
' -initrd '${INITRAMFS}' -nographic -serial stdio' \
' -nodefaults' \
' -append "console=ttyS0 mitigations=off apparmor=0 ' \
'virtio-net.napi_tx=1"' \
" -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,x-txburst=16384" \
" -netdev socket,fd=5,id=hostnet0" \
' -pidfile two_guests_qemu_2.pid'
pane_status GUEST_1
pane_status GUEST_2
# teardown_context_watch() - Remove contexts and stop panes watching them
# $1: Pane number watching
# $@: Context names
teardown_context_watch() {
for __c; do
context_teardown "${__c}"
tmux send-keys -t ${__pane} "C-c"
# teardown_build() - Nothing to do, yet
teardown_build() {
teardown_context_watch ${PANE_HOST} host
# teardown_distro() - Nothing to do, yet
teardown_distro() {
# teardown_passt() - Kill qemu, remove passt PID file
teardown_passt() {
kill $(cat passt_qemu.pid)
rm passt.pid
teardown_context_watch ${PANE_HOST} host
teardown_context_watch ${PANE_PASST} passt
teardown_context_watch ${PANE_GUEST} qemu guest
# teardown_passt() - Exit namespace, kill pasta process
teardown_pasta() {
${NSHOLDER} ns.hold stop
context_wait unshare
teardown_context_watch ${PANE_HOST} host
teardown_context_watch ${PANE_PASST} passt
teardown_context_watch ${PANE_NS} unshare ns
# teardown_passt_in_ns() - Exit namespace, kill qemu and pasta, remove pid file
teardown_passt_in_ns() {
kill $(cat passt_in_ns_qemu.pid)
pane_wait GUEST
tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_GUEST} "C-d"
tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_PASST} "C-d"
pane_wait GUEST
pane_wait NS
pane_wait PASST
rm passt.pid
teardown_context_watch ${PANE_HOST} host
# teardown_two_guests() - Exit namespaces, kill qemu processes, passt and pasta
teardown_two_guests() {
kill $(cat two_guests_qemu_1.pid)
pane_wait GUEST_1
tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_GUEST_1} "C-d"
kill $(cat two_guests_qemu_2.pid)
pane_wait GUEST_2
tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_GUEST_2} "C-d"
tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_PASST_1} "C-c"
pane_wait PASST_1
tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_PASST_1} "C-d"
tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_PASST_2} "C-c"
pane_wait PASST_2
tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_PASST_2} "C-d"
pane_wait GUEST_1
pane_wait GUEST_2
pane_wait PASST_1
pane_wait PASST_2
teardown_context_watch ${PANE_HOST} host
# teardown_demo_passt() - Exit namespace, kill qemu, passt and pasta
teardown_demo_passt() {
tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_GUEST} "C-c"
pane_wait GUEST
tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_GUEST} "C-d"
tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_PASST} "C-c"
pane_wait GUEST
pane_wait HOST
pane_wait PASST
tmux kill-pane -a -t 0
tmux send-keys -t 0 "C-c"
# teardown_demo_pasta() - Exit perf and namespace from remaining pane
teardown_demo_pasta() {
tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_NS} "q"
pane_wait NS
tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_NS} "C-d"
pane_wait NS
tmux kill-pane -a -t 0
tmux send-keys -t 0 "C-c"
# teardown_demo_podman() - Exit namespaces
teardown_demo_podman() {
tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_NS1} "C-d"
tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_NS2} "C-d"
pane_wait NS1
pane_wait NS2
tmux kill-pane -a -t 0
tmux send-keys -t 0 "C-c"
# setup() - Run setup_*() functions
# $*: Suffix list of setup_*() functions to be called
setup() {
for arg do
eval setup_${arg}
# teardown() - Run teardown_*() functions
# $*: Suffix list of teardown_*() functions to be called
teardown() {
for arg do
eval teardown_${arg}