David Gibson 2320ac3349 Don't abbreviate ip(8) arguments in examples and tests
ip(8)'s ability to take abbreviated arguments (e.g. "li sh" instead of
"link show") is very handy when using it interactively, but it doesn't make
for very readable scripts and examples when shown that way.

Signed-off-by: David Gibson <>
2022-06-15 09:38:10 +02:00

196 lines
5.6 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
# for network namespace/tap device mode
# test/perf/pasta_udp - Check UDP performance in pasta mode
# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
# Author: Stefano Brivio <>
onlyfor passt_in_ns
htools bc head ip sleep iperf3 udp_rr jq sed
nstools ip sleep iperf3 udp_rr jq sed
test pasta: throughput and latency (local traffic)
hout FREQ_PROCFS (echo "scale=1"; sed -n 's/cpu MHz.*: \([0-9]*\)\..*$/(\1+10^2\/2)\/10^3/p' /proc/cpuinfo) | bc -l | head -n1
hout FREQ_CPUFREQ (echo "scale=1"; printf '( %i + 10^5 / 2 ) / 10^6\n' $(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq) ) | bc -l
hout FREQ [ -n "__FREQ_CPUFREQ__" ] && echo __FREQ_CPUFREQ__ || echo __FREQ_PROCFS__
set OPTS -u -i1 -t30 -P __STREAMS__
info Throughput in Gbps, latency in µs, one thread at __FREQ__ GHz, __STREAMS__ streams
report pasta lo_udp 1 __FREQ__
th MTU 1500B 4000B 16384B 65535B
tr UDP throughput over IPv6: ns to host
ns ip link set dev lo mtu 1500
iperf3c ns ::1 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 3G
iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
bw __BW__ 1.0 1.5
ns ip link set dev lo mtu 4000
iperf3c ns ::1 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 3G
iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
bw __BW__ 1.2 1.8
ns ip link set dev lo mtu 16384
iperf3c ns ::1 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 10G
iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
bw __BW__ 5.0 6.0
ns ip link set dev lo mtu 65535
iperf3c ns ::1 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 15G
iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
bw __BW__ 7.0 9.0
tl UDP RR latency over IPv6: ns to host
lat -
lat -
lat -
hostb udp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -6
nsout LAT udp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -6 -c -H ::1 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
lat __LAT__ 200 150
tr UDP throughput over IPv4: ns to host
ns ip link set dev lo mtu 1500
iperf3c ns 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 3G
iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
bw __BW__ 1.0 1.5
ns ip link set dev lo mtu 4000
iperf3c ns 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 3G
iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
bw __BW__ 1.2 1.8
ns ip link set dev lo mtu 16384
iperf3c ns 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 10G
iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
bw __BW__ 5.0 6.0
ns ip link set dev lo mtu 65535
iperf3c ns 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 15G
iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
bw __BW__ 7.0 9.0
tl UDP RR latency over IPv4: ns to host
lat -
lat -
lat -
hostb udp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -4
nsout LAT udp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -4 -c -H | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
lat __LAT__ 200 150
tr UDP throughput over IPv6: host to ns
bw -
bw -
bw -
iperf3c host ::1 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 15G
iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
bw __BW__ 7.0 9.0
tl UDP RR latency over IPv6: host to ns
lat -
lat -
lat -
nsb udp_rr --nolog -P 10002 -C 10012 -6
hout LAT udp_rr --nolog -P 10002 -C 10012 -6 -c -H ::1 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
lat __LAT__ 200 150
tr UDP throughput over IPv4: host to ns
bw -
bw -
bw -
iperf3c host 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 15G
iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
bw __BW__ 7.0 9.0
tl UDP RR latency over IPv4: host to ns
lat -
lat -
lat -
nsb udp_rr --nolog -P 10002 -C 10012 -4
hout LAT udp_rr --nolog -P 10002 -C 10012 -4 -c -H | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
lat __LAT__ 200 150
test pasta: throughput and latency (traffic via tap)
nsout GW ip -j -4 route show|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
nsout GW6 ip -j -6 route show|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
nsout IFNAME ip -j link show | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
info Throughput in Gbps, latency in µs, one thread at __FREQ__ GHz, __STREAMS__ streams
report pasta tap_udp 1 __FREQ__
th MTU 1500B 4000B 16384B 65520B
tr UDP throughput over IPv6: ns to host
ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 1500
iperf3c ns __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 2G
iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
bw __BW__ 0.3 0.5
ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 4000
iperf3c ns __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 3G
iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
bw __BW__ 0.5 0.8
ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 16384
iperf3c ns __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 4G
iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
bw __BW__ 3.0 4.0
ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 65520
iperf3c ns __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 6G
iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
bw __BW__ 6.0 7.0
tl UDP RR latency over IPv6: ns to host
lat -
lat -
lat -
hostb udp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -6
nsout LAT udp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -6 -c -H __GW6__%__IFNAME__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
lat __LAT__ 200 150
tr UDP throughput over IPv4: ns to host
ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 1500
iperf3c ns __GW__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 2G
iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
bw __BW__ 0.3 0.5
ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 4000
iperf3c ns __GW__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 3G
iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
bw __BW__ 0.5 0.8
ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 16384
iperf3c ns __GW__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 4G
iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
bw __BW__ 3.0 4.0
ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 65520
iperf3c ns __GW__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 6G
iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
bw __BW__ 6.0 7.0
tl UDP RR latency over IPv4: ns to host
lat -
lat -
lat -
hostb udp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -4
nsout LAT udp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -4 -c -H __GW__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
lat __LAT__ 200 150