This is a template / example repository for using JavaScript for Screeps To get started, install [Node]( and run `npm install` in this folder Now you can edit the source files in `src/` and build using `npm run build`. To get faster build times (and to not manually start building all the time) you can use `npm watch` to start building in watch mode. This way, everytime a source code file is changed the compiler will run automatically Your code will be compiled into a single file `dist/main.js` for easier uploading ## Automatic uploading To automatically upload your generated files to Screeps World or your private server, copy `screeps.example.json` to `screeps.json` and fill in your data Then, you can run `npm run push` to build and upload your script. As a bonus, `npm run watch-push` is also available to automatically upload any changes made to the source files